Welcome to the BIOHM Gut Quiz
What’s your first name?

Where do you live?

Why we ask: Where you live can play a role in your microbiome’s balance (crazy right?!)

How old are you?

Why we ask: As you age the diversity of the microbes in your gut can alter.

What is your gender?

Why we ask: Your sex is strongly associated with the overall composition of your gut microbiome.

What is your email?

Why we ask: So we can send your results after our analysis is complete.

Are you overweight?

Why we ask: Whether you are overweight is significantly tied to gut and microbiome health.

Weekly, how often do you feel stressed?

Why we ask: Stress is one of the most critical factors in microbiome balance.

Nightly, how many hours do you sleep?

Why we ask: You guessed it! The number of hours you sleep is also tied to microbiome health.

Which of these diets do you maintain?

Why we ask: Certain strains of bacteria and fungi in the microbiome are impacted by dietary choices (hint: avoid artificial sweeteners!)

Daily, how many CUPS of vegetables do you consume?

Why we ask: The fiber in vegetables can be greatly beneficial to your microbiome.

Daily, how many CUPS of fruits do you consume?

Why we ask: The fiber in fruit can be greatly beneficial to your microbiome, but too much can cause issues with bad fungi (like Candida) due to the sugar also found in fruit.

Do you suffer from any of these digestive symptoms?

Why we ask: Science is identifying links between specific organisms and certain digestive issues.

Do you have any of these diagnosed digestive issues / surgeries?

Why we ask: Science is identifying links between specific organisms and certain digestive issues.

Have you ever had or do you have any of the following conditions?

Why we ask: Wait for it… Science is identifying links between specific organisms and certain health issues.

Do you take any of these medications?

Why we ask: Certain medications can alter the bacteria and fungi found in your microbiome.

Which of these supplements do you take?

Why we ask: Certain supplements can encourage (or discourage) a balanced microbiome

